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The Equine and Animal Healing Touch courses consist of three groups: All Animals, Equine Only, and Small Animals.
To become a Practitioner/Voluntary Worker/Certificate Achiever you need to do Course 1.
It is essential to have 6 months of practice/workshops before commencing the 2nd module.
In Course One, you will work with all types of animals: horses, cows, pigs, rats, snakes, etc.
Wild life is on the list for those who desire to go that route.
The student will learn the different movements, as well as the Emotional, Mental, and Physical information, finding the root of cause in order to alleviate the symptom.
Course Two works only with horses.
It is a 2-module course, with 6 months practice /workshops, before doing the next module.
Course Three works only with small animals, like dogs, cats, rabbits, mice, etc. It is, though, necessary to work with horses in order to learn the feel and the understandings of the movements. You will learn what their needs are and much more to help your cat, dogs etc.
Only 4-6 students are taken per course.
The format can be emailed /posted on request.
2020 COURSES being offered:
SMALL ANIMALS JAN 23-24-25 ✅ FEB 8- 9-10 ✅ MAR 20-21-22 ✅ APR Cancelled due to lockdown. MAY To be rescheduled after lockdown. JUN To be rescheduled after lockdown. JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
EQUINE JAN 28-29-30 ✅ FEB 28-28-29✅ MAR 27-28-29✅ APR Cancelled due to lockdown. MAY To be rescheduled after lockdown. JUN To be rescheduled after lockdown. JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
The Equine and Animal Natural Healing Touch is a modality of unique healing for all animals. It is a non-invasive, alternative way of healing. It promotes cellular homeostasis and re-balances, allowing the animals to heal on an emotional, mental and physical level.
June 2019 was an amazing experience for my Iridology Student (Equine and Animal Natural Healing Touch Practitioner) and myself joining the Eyology Congress at Joaquina Beach, in Florianópolis, SC, in the south of Brazil.